Location: California
Birthday: April 29
Style: Rock kei, grunge, onee
Hobbies: writing, working out, experimentation, night scene, cooking & fine dining
Top Inspirations: Hiromi Endo, Hoshiaya, Nonoka Iwata, Sayoko
Name: Michi
Location: Los Angeles, California
Birthday: July 8th
Style: Onee but I do all the other styles
Hobbies: Dancing,karaoke,shopping,art,make up and hang out with friends.
Gal Since: 2005
Favorite Brands: Golds Infinity, d.i.a, ma*rs, Lip Service, Cecil Mcbee, F21 and H&M.
Top Inspirations: All the gal models in gal magazine and AV gals.
#1 Gal Tip: I think anyone can be a gal IF you REALLY want to be. But you need to LOVE gal 100% and be gal every time every min. YOU CAN'T BE PART TIME GAL. That's not a real gal~ Gyaru is a life style! So gal make-up + gal Hair + gal outfits = GYARU . If your missing something in there , then you need to make sure that everything is there. And you should be good. Oh and don't for get to improve, you could ALWAYS GET BETTER!!!
Name: Ambi Bambi
Location: Japan
Birthday: October 2
Style: Bgal, celeb
Hobbies: Hip Hop dancing, reggae, yoga
Top Inspiration: Beyonce, Tyra Banks
Name: LA
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Birthday. February 7
Style: Onee-gyaru/B-gyaru
Hobbies: Cosmetology, hanging out, Shopping
Gal Since: 2006
Favorite Brands: Fover21/love21, Wet Seal, MA*RS.
Top Inspirations!: Aina Tanaka
#1 GAL Tip: Don't give GAL advise unless you've already walked a mile in a GALS stiletto's.
Name: Tricia Isabela
Location: Los Angeles, California
Birthday: December 10
Style: Bohemian/romantic
Hobbies: Dancing, karaoke, shopping, video games
Gal Since: 2007
Favorite Brands: Lip Service, Liz Lisa, Maison Gilfy, Ma*rs, Tralala, W♥C
Top Inspirations: Kumiko Funayama, Nana Suzuki, Tsubasa Masuwaka
#1 Gal Tip: For bottom lashes, always cut them into pieces if they aren't already. It makes them much easier to manipulate.
Name: Lisha
Location: Illinois
Birthday: October 22
Style: Rock kei, banba, tsuyome, manba
Top Inspirations: Kyon, Sakurina, old angecrew, Pin~
Hobbies: Anything dealing with art(nails, make up, wigs, hair, clothes customization), researching japanese culture and food ♥
Name: Mie
Location: Los Angeles, California
Birthday. December 26
Style: Onee-gyaru
Hobbies: Collector, Concerts, Shopping
Gal Since: 2009
Favorite Brands: My favorite brands are Liz Lisa, Mar*s, Cecil Mcbee,
F21, H&M, DollyWink.
Top Inspirations!: Masuwaka Tsubasa, Muto Shizuka
#1 GAL Tip: If you wear half wigs and desire big hair; layer them!
Wear two half wigs at the same time, and clip-in extensions to the bottom(optional).
Name: Pinksugarichigo
Location: California
Birthday: September 2
Style: Ma*rs, Maison Gilfy, W♥C, Cocolulu
Hobbies: design design design, watching old hollywood films, thrift shopping, collecting art books & art prints, singing
Top Inspirations: Sakurina, Aina Tanaka, Kanako, Romihi, Audrey Hepburn, Betsey Johnson
Name: Lorina
Location: Lee County, Florida
Birthday: Sept 6 '89
Style: Gyaru-kei
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, shopping, reconstructing clothes, collecting jewelry, and spending LOTS of time with my husband ♥
Gal Since: 2010
Favorite Brands: None. I like fashion as a whole spectrum so I've never built a lot of favoritism for certain brands since I like so many styles and find myself shopping anywhere.
Top Inspirations: Tsubasa Masuwaka, Hiromi Hosoi[Romihi], Emika Kanda, Maiko Takahashi
#1 GAL Tip: Get to know what flatters you most to achieve the best look for your own person. That includes hair styles/cut of which would compliment your face shape, hair color to better suit your skin tone, makeup that will enhance the shape and color of your eyes, which style of falsies works best with your eye shape, what shoes compliment your body type, what clothes flatter your figure, and what colors work best with your skin tone so you're always glowing. However, be open to learn new things, try out new things, be open to new ideas, and to just keep moving forward. You never know what will look good on you until you try.
Name: Krystal
Location: Chicago!
Birthday: 12/18/89
Style: Agejo
Hobbies: Baking, Singing, Traveling
Gal Since: May/June 2009
Favorite Brands: MA*RS, Wet Seal, F21
Top Inspirations: Tsubasa Masuwaka, Sakurina, and also Ashley ^^
#1 Gal Tip: Gyaru is a lifestyle, not just a fashion, so be prepared to put your life into it!